Susanne Gräslund and the ULTRA-DD IL-8 biological probe featured in IMI Newsletter
07 January 2019

The release of the ULTRA-DD IL-8 biological probe (neutralizing antibody) into the public domain was highlighted in the 86th Edition, January 2019, IMI Newsletter. Susanne Gräslund was asked to comment on the role of open access to the IMI readers:
‘Our antibodies have their sequences revealed and they are open access, meaning that we want other researchers in companies and academia to pick them up and use them without restrictions,’ said the project’s Susanne Gräslund of Karolinska Insitutet. ‘As the sequences are known they can be easily converted to other formats and modified if needed.’
‘We also hope that our project can serve as a good example for sharing sequences for antibodies and more openness in the field,’ concluded Dr Gräslund.